Early Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer
In 2021, there will be approximately 42,230 new cases of liver cancer and over 30,000 patients will not survive. The liver performs many vital functions in the body and cancer has a devastating effect on it.
However, it’s also one of the more preventable types of cancer as developing it is often directly tied to certain lifestyle factors. Knowing the risk factors and the early signs and symptoms may save your life. Search online and read on to learn more about this disease.
Signs and Symptoms
The liver sits behind the right side of the ribcage. As a result, it is not easy to see or feel a tumor in its earliest stages. When symptoms do appear, they’re often very general and can be mistaken for a non-cancerous illness. Common liver cancer symptoms include:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Unexplained weight loss
- Decreased appetite
- Increased fatigue and tiredness
- Discomfort or fullness under the ribs on either side (enlarged liver or spleen)
- A swollen abdomen
- Jaundiced skin or eyes
- Itching
- Chalky, white stool
If you experience any of these symptoms, speak with your doctor to rule out other causes and obtain a diagnosis.
Causes and Risk Factors
Sometimes DNA cells mutate and begin to grow out of control, forming a cancerous tumor for no obvious reason. However, often liver cancer develops due to known risk factors, including:
- Cirrhosis of the liver, often from alcohol abuse
- Tobacco use
- Heavy alcohol consumption
- Obesity
- Aflatoxins found in nuts, seeds, corn, wheat and rice stored in a moist, warm climate
- Vinyl chloride used in some plastics
- Anabolic steroids, which are often used by bodybuilders
- Type 2 diabetes
- Chronic hepatitis B or C
- Inherited liver diseases like hemochromatosis and Wilson’s
Having one or even several risk factors does not guarantee that a person will develop liver cancer. Some people with zero risk factors may still be diagnosed with it. Nonetheless, doing what you can to decrease your risk is advisable.
How Liver Cancer Is Diagnosed
If you experience any liver cancer symptoms, visit your doctor immediately. However, a large percentage of cases are revealed during routine exams. You doctor will perform a complete examination and may order diagnostic tests such as:
- A complete medical history to uncover risk factors.
- A physical examination to check for signs of liver cancer or other possible causes of your symptoms.
- A blood chemistry test to test for hepatitis.
- A liver function test to reveal any problems with the liver.
- Ultrasound, which is often the first imaging test performed. Other imaging may include x-rays, a CT scan or an MRI.
- An angiography, which is an x-ray that looks at the blood vessels.
- Biopsy of the liver.
Treatment Options
If you are diagnosed with liver cancer, the first step is to determine its stage, which range between one (tumor without symptoms) to five or end stage (cancer has spread significantly). Then a team of oncologists will develop and discuss your treatment options, benefits and associated risks and side effects.
Treatment options may include:
- Surgery, primarily used in early stages
- Chemotherapy
- Immunotherapy
- Targeted Drug Therapy
- Embolization Therapy
- Ablation, using a needle
A combination of treatments to shrink or remove the cancer and reduce symptoms isn’t uncommon.
Talk To Your Doctor
Liver cancer is treatable, but the best treatment is prevention. Making lifestyle changes and reducing or eliminating harmful habits can reduce your chances of getting many types of cancer. Learn more about how to prevent the disease by searching online.
If you are experiencing liver cancer symptoms, make an appointment to see a medical professional and discuss them. Early detection and treatment are essential to ensure the best possible prognosis.